Two-Speed Control Handle with Operator Control Interface
The KCA1033 is a Base Pendant Control for a Knight Servo Hoist. It permits the operator to control over-sized or cumbersome loads while maneuvering them into tight spaces. Control Handle is equipped with the same features as the Knight Inline Trigger Control Handle and is available in a Single or Two-Speed configuration that may be mounted on a separate cable, connected to
Two-Speed Control Handle with Trigger
The EPDTA9600 Two-Speed Control Handle w/ Trigger is a non-programmable handle. It is comprised of five switches to make up a (2) two-speed operation with Trigger Button by simply compressing the thumb levers. Halfway is one speed, fully compressed is the second speed. Units come with a standard mounting flange. You will need to specify the flange adaptor tube size for your
Two-Speed Control Handle
The EPDA9600 Two-Speed Control Handle is a non-programmable handle. It is comprised of four switches to make up a (2) two-speed operation by simply compressing the thumb levers. Halfway is one speed, fully compressed is the second speed. Units come with a standard mounting flange. You will need to specify the flange adaptor tube size for your End Effector. Non-Programmable Handle.
Previously KCA1030